Soccer at its best

well i'll try to track the World Cup, the world's most popular sporting event, tapping into the global conversation and providing updates and insights through to the championship game July 9 through this blog...


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Some of the best....

Well ppl we would love to know wat u think bout the world cup as a whole... the performences of various teams at such a big stage. So just name a particular team/player for various categories given below....
1) Best team in action....
2) The most peaceful team....
3) The never say no team....
4) The best team(technically)....
5) The best team(physically)....
6) The best performence(team)....
7) The best performence(individual)....
8) The flop show of the world cup(team)....
9) The flop show of the world cup(individual)....
10) The best goal(player)....
11) The best match of the world cup 2006...
12) The best refree...

Posted by Samvit :: 5:48 PM :: 2 comments

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